


Elevating Healthcare with Innovative Solutions


WHO defines health innovation as a new or improved solution with the transformative ability to accelerate positive health impact. WHO’s Innovation Scaling Framework illustrates the multi-partner collaborative approach WHO is taking to scaling innovation by linking three dimensions of innovation scaling: 1) the health demands and priorities of countries, 2) the supply of ready to scale innovations, and 3) assessment throughout from incubating (through partners) to implementing and sustaining innovations.

* World Health Organization. Source: https://www.who.int/teams/digital-health-and-innovation/health-innovation-for-impact

Sleep Apnea Aids

Sleep Apnea Aids

Snoring occurs when the flow of air through the mouth and nose is partially blocked during sleep. The sound of snoring is caused by the vibration of the tissues in the upper airway, including the throat, palate, uvula, and nasal passages. Various factors contribute to snoring and some of them are obesity, weak muscle tone in the throat and tongue, pregnancy and more.

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Innovative Hand Gloves to Improve Tremour and Stroke Recovery

Innovative Hand Gloves to Improve Tremour and Stroke Recovery

Need a cup of coffee? Most of us reach out for that hot brew effortlessly without even realising that a complex system of musculoskeletal and brain processes is hard at work. However, for patients with reduced mobility, even grabbing a simple spoon may prove to be rather challenging.

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Innovations in dermatology for acne skin

Innovations in dermatology for acne skin

Acne, commonly found in the face, chest and back regions, can be a frustrating problem that many young people (and adults) deal with regularly, resulting in social embarrassment or detrimental psychological effects. Acne is a condition which develops in and around the hair follicles and their oil-producing glands (sebaceous glands) have the potential to scar a person’s face.

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Using AI Chatbots to Manage Stress

Using AI Chatbots to Manage Stress

Traditionally, there are several proven ways to manage stress. Stress management methods include regular physical activities, relaxation techniques, getting enough sleep, social support, having a balanced diet, and positive thinking among a slew of recommendations by mental health professionals.

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Smart Wearables to Monitor Glucose Levels

Smart Wearables to Monitor Glucose Levels

With the rise in computing technology, the development of smart wearables has grown significantly, allowing users to track and monitor various health and fitness metrics. In addition to the development of hardware, the rise of computing technology has also led to the development of sophisticated software and algorithms that can analyse the data collected by smart wearables.

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Innovations to Manage Parkinson’s Disease

Innovations to Manage Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a degenerative condition of the brain associated with motor symptoms (slow movement, tremor, rigidity and imbalance) and other complications including cognitive impairment, mental health disorders, sleep disorders and pain and sensory disturbances.

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Innovations in reducing food allergy complications

Innovations in reducing food allergy complications

While many of us are fortunate enough to be able to eat almost everything we fancy without any serious reactions on a regular basis, there are a significant number of the global population who are allergic to certain types of food, some even potentially life-threatening.

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Innovations to prevent falls in the elderly

Innovations to prevent falls in the elderly

According to the World Health Organisation, falls are the second leading cause of death from unintentional injuries globally. As seniors advance in age, many may need a holistic support system, including family, caregivers, and a residence that has been outfitted to accommodate the common frailties of age: reduced vision, decreased mobility, increased risk of falls and more.

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Innovative insulin coolers for diabetic medicine during travels

Innovative insulin coolers for diabetic medicine during travels

With the increasing advancements in technology, living with diabetes can be a lot less stressful. Choosing cost-effective and the right storage equipment for your insulin medicine is important to a better quality of life, especially when you are someone who travels frequently.

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Female fertility health: Conceiving naturally

Female fertility health: Conceiving naturally

Globally, with the predicament of declining fertility rates among many countries, especially in the developed economies, couples desiring children are becoming more open to exploring new and innovative ways to conceive a child.

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Innovations to remove body hair without surgery

Innovations to remove body hair without surgery

As technology improves over time, new and innovative body hair removal techniques present a variety of choices for people to go for the optimal hair removal method that suits their preferences and budget best.

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Improve lighting during open surgery

Improve lighting during open surgery

Open surgery fundamentally requires the highest degree of clear visibility to work on the tissues or accurately diagnose a condition. That includes having the best illumination within the tight confines of the surgical field to reduce the risk of tissue burns and potential errors and to enhance patient safety.

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Innovations to improve sleep for insomnia

Innovations to improve sleep for insomnia

For many of us, the stresses of work and modern day living in the digital era have encroached into our bedtime, eating away the precious hours of sleep that our body requires for the healthy functioning of both the brain and the physical body.

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UV-detecting Swimwear – Ready to Take The Plunge?

UV-detecting Swimwear – Ready to Take The Plunge?

We all know that too much exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays are harmful to our skin, and yet that doesn’t keep us from having a whale of a time at the beach from time to time. What if there are smart swimwear that detects and measures our exposure to UV rays accurately and in real-time?

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Asthma Monitoring Wearable Devices

Asthma Monitoring Wearable Devices

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), in many parts of the world, asthma is often the most common chronic disease among children. In Singapore alone, approximately one in five children has asthma.

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Innovations in virtual surgery

Innovations in virtual surgery

Since 2019, there have been several 5G virtual and remote surgeries performed on humans around the world, upping the ante in surgical treatment profoundly.

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