Communication involves the sharing of information among two or more individuals, and there are several factors that drive the effectiveness of such an exchange.
Does the Quality of Healthcare Services Influence Patients’ Clinic Choice?
This article explores how the quality of healthcare services influences patients’ decisions when choosing clinics.
What to prepare before your first visit to a new doctor
To ensure good condition of health, consulting a medical doctor is helpful. However, seeing a new doctor has its challenges, especially if it is the first time.
What to Do After Hospital Discharge?
What to do after hospital discharge may be a worrying question to many patients. Each patient has a certain time period to stay at the hospital, which depends on many factors. The main reason for hospital admission is to get closer monitoring and intensive care.
Patient safety: Before admission to the hospital
Clear all your doubts regarding hospital admission. It will streamline the admission process and improve your hospital experience.
Safety before doing surgery or medical procedures
Surgery and other medical interventions can be a great panic to many patients. However, the surgical option has witnessed much improvement. Patient safety comes first. If you are going to have surgery, you need to know your rights.
Mixing oral supplements with existing medicine
Combining supplements with physician-prescribed medication is widely practised but this practice is neither medically approved nor are its benefits research-backed.
How do hospitals and clinics ensure patient and medication safety?
Four leading health care institutions in Singapore share about their world class quality patient safety culture and practice. Medication safety is one of the main concerns in upholding patient safety.
What Patients Can Do to Improve Patient Safety?
We seek medical care to get better, but sometimes errors can happen and result in unnecessary avoidable harm. Any treatment and procedure carry inherent risk of harm, but this can be avoided and prevented if both patients and health care staffs become active members of the health care team.
Celebrating World Patient Safety Day 2022: Medication Without Harm
While the safe use of medications can improve and save lives, medication errors and unsafe medication practices can lead to avoidable harm and injury beyond what money can repair.