About one in 10 Singaporeans will develop kidney stones. Small stones be harmless, but larger ones could lead to stabbing or throbbing pain and other problems.

About one in 10 Singaporeans will develop kidney stones. Small stones be harmless, but larger ones could lead to stabbing or throbbing pain and other problems.
Men with early-stage prostate cancer could seek out focal therapy, an alternative to surgery and radiotherapy with few side effects.
Men with an enlarged prostate can avoid drinking at night, cut back on caffeine and take other actions to prevent and relieve urinary problems.
Men with enlarged prostates that are causing urinary problems could consider implants called UroLift for relief.
Dietary changes such as cutting back on salt and animal protein, and drinking about 2.5 litres to 3 litres of water per day, can reduce the risk of developing kidney stones.
Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), a condition where an enlarged but non-cancerous prostate causes urinary problems, is extremely common among older men.
Men who are above 50 years old should visit their doctor to check their risk of having prostate cancer.
Diagnosing prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the second-most common cancer among Singaporean men, and those who are over 50 years old should go for a check-up to determine their risk of having or developing the disease.
Is treatment required for prostate cancer? Does it always advance slowly? Will it kill? Learn to separate fact from myth.