Updates on Singapore’s COVID-19 vaccination programme
The COVID-19 vaccination programme protects all Singaporeans and people that reside in Singapore, against COVID-19, as well as businesses and jobs through the progressive re-opening of Singapore. COVID-19 vaccination is free for all Singaporeans and long-term residents in Singapore. The COVID-19 vaccine deployed in Singapore have been approved and verified to be safe and efficacious by both the Health Science Authority (HSA) and the expert committee on Covid19 vaccination.

Safe Covid-19 practices when returning to work in shared offices
{:en}Come August 19, 2021, up to 50 per cent of the workforce will be able to return to the office ...

10 Myths on Covid-19 Infection
{:en} Follow us on Telegram for the latest updates: https://t.me/AsiaMDsg The pandemic which started plaguing the world at the end ...

What should you do in the interim if you haven’t received the Covid-19 vaccine?
{:en}There could be a few reasons why some people have not received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. Some ...

How to manage side effects from Covid-19 vaccines
{:en}After receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, your body will be prompted to mount an immune response. This might result in some ...

10 alarming myths of Covid-19 vaccines we need to clear up
{:en}Some people may still be considering whether or not to take the Covid-19 vaccine. As of publication on July 5, ...

Will steamboat eliminate SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes Covid-19?
{:en}What is reunion dinner on Chinese New Year Eve if the family doesn't gather over a meal of steamboat, or ...

Safety of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines
{:en}Singaporeans have already been warned: the Government’s aim is to get as many people vaccinated as quickly as possible, so ...

How do I know that I have COVID-19 and not a cold or the flu?
{:en}A fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, loss of taste and smell - these are the most commonly known symptoms ...