Shingles is a viral infection causing painful skin rashes and blistering, occurring only in people who have been previously infected with chickenpox.

Shingles is a viral infection causing painful skin rashes and blistering, occurring only in people who have been previously infected with chickenpox.
People with diabetes must pay close attention to their feet and exercise proper foot care to prevent minor injuries from developing into major complications.
Discover the risks of eating raw foods while pregnant, especially during the first trimester, and learn how to avoid food poisoning.
Find out how many C-sections you can safely have, how long you should wait in between each C-section, and what the risks are.
Menstrual irregularities or postmenopausal vaginal bleeding are typical warning signs of dysfunction in the female reproductive system.
Men who are above 50 years old should visit their doctor to check their risk of having prostate cancer.
Is treatment required for prostate cancer? Does it always advance slowly? Will it kill? Learn to separate fact from myth.