Reduce Stress and Burnout with Nature Therapy

Reduce Stress and Burnout with Nature Therapy

Stress has become a normal part of our daily life in work, home, and social life. Reaction to stress differs from one person to another. Most people don’t look for solutions. They think coping with stress is welfare and their excuses are: “We have a busy life”. Even with busy lives, it doesn’t mean we […]

How to Reduce Smartphone Addiction?

How to Reduce Smartphone Addiction?

Smartphone addiction, informally known as “nomophobia” has become an emerging problem in many countries. Up to 21.3% of families in China worry about smartphone addiction in children, with planned implementation of restricted handphone access to reduce handphone addiction. Why are smartphones becoming popular and irreplaceable to some people, and what are effective ways to reduce […]

Manage Your Stress with Art Therapy

Manage Your Stress with Art Therapy

Stress is a disease. This is not an exaggeration; it is a fact that proves itself day by day. Stress is a main risk factor for many serious health problems, such as cardiovascular problems, obesity, and poor mental health. Whether acute or chronic, we must deal with it and search for ways to relieve stress, […]

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