Can a Purposeful Life Help Us Live Longer?

Can a Purposeful Life Help Us Live Longer?

Does having a purpose – a sense of direction and goals – add years to our life span? Increasing studies suggest that finding a purpose for your life may add years to it. Having well-defined motivations in life is thought to empower individuals to engage in regular and long-term goals that give driven individuals to navigate life with a healthy sense of motivation, and in a way, better life satisfaction. 

Downshifting with Self-Care for a Better Quality of Life

Downshifting with Self-Care for a Better Quality of Life

Stemming from Dan Buettner’s “Power 9®” principles, downshifting can be understood as a lifestyle choice to seek ways to manage stress levels – even Blue Zone residents are not spared from the various forms of stressors from everyday life and perhaps from conditions outside their control. Research has shown that stress activates inflammatory responses in […]

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