In the grand scheme of things, economic prosperity and technological advancements have enabled the human race to live better and longer.
Benefits of Corporate Wellness Retreats
In recent years, more companies recognised the benefits of investing in employee wellness through initiatives like corporate wellness retreats.
Can Gaps in Doctor-Patient Communication Affect the Quality of Health Care Service?
Communication involves the sharing of information among two or more individuals, and there are several factors that drive the effectiveness of such an exchange.
Does the Quality of Healthcare Services Influence Patients’ Clinic Choice?
This article explores how the quality of healthcare services influences patients’ decisions when choosing clinics.
Can a Purposeful Life Help Us Live Longer?
Does having a purpose – a sense of direction and goals – add years to our life span? Increasing studies suggest that finding a purpose for your life may add years to it. Having well-defined motivations in life is thought to empower individuals to engage in regular and long-term goals that give driven individuals to navigate life with a healthy sense of motivation, and in a way, better life satisfaction.
Downshifting with Self-Care for a Better Quality of Life
Stemming from Dan Buettner’s “Power 9®” principles, downshifting can be understood as a lifestyle choice to seek ways to manage stress levels – even Blue Zone residents are not spared from the various forms of stressors from everyday life and perhaps from conditions outside their control. Research has shown that stress activates inflammatory responses in […]
Better Living and Longevity: Moving Naturally, The Blue Zone Way
Practised as part of the blue zones’ residents’ daily routine, moving naturally in a nutshell simply means making the best of everyday moments to be physically active.
Types of Wellness Programmes for Better Wellbeing
The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health.
Better Living and Longevity: Managing Stress the Blue Zone Way
As we experience different types and intensities of stressors in our daily lives, studies have shown that prolonged exposure to stress can increase inflammation in our body. In this article, we’ll explore the various stress busters our Blue Zone residents are engaged in – perhaps there are insights to glean from what they do.
Better Living and Longevity: Active Lifestyle, The Blue Zone Way
Following the previous article published on Better Living and Longevity: The Blue Zone Diet, this article introduces the key ideas behind the active lifestyle frequently depicted by the centenarians in the Blue Zones across Italy, Japan, Greece, the United States and Costa Rica.