Patient Safety
At Asia MD, we believe patient safety is fundamental to providing quality healthcare services. We advocate the awareness and building a culture of patient safety to support healthcare institutions in Asia to deliver their best.
The global landscape of health care is changing and health systems operate in increasingly complex environments. While new treatments, technologies and care models can have therapeutic potential, they can also pose novel threats to safe care. Patient safety is now being recognized as a large and growing global public health challenge.
* World Health Organization. (2019). Patient safety- Global action on patient safety. Report by the Director-General. Retrieved from:

What to Do After Hospital Discharge?
What to do after hospital discharge may be a worrying question to many patients. Each patient has a certain time period to stay at the hospital, which depends on many factors. The main reason for hospital admission is to get closer monitoring and intensive care.

Patient safety: Before admission to the hospital
Clear all your doubts regarding hospital admission. It will streamline the admission process and improve your hospital experience.

Safety before doing surgery or medical procedures
Surgery and other medical interventions can be a great panic to many patients. However, the surgical option has witnessed much improvement. Patient safety comes first. If you are going to have surgery, you need to know your rights.