Sprained fingers may feel like arthritis, but there are several differences that set both conditions apart, such as the length of the duration of pain.

Sprained fingers may feel like arthritis, but there are several differences that set both conditions apart, such as the length of the duration of pain.
Experiencing tingling in your fingers as well as hand numbness or weakness? You may want to check for carpal tunnel syndrome.
Crooked or deformed fingers may be mentally and physically troubling, but early treatment may prevent or slow deformities. Learn about the causes and the options available.
If you’ve stubbed or jammed your finger and are wondering if you should see a doctor, here’s what to look out for to prevent more serious problems in future.
Studies show that keyhole surgery has the same results as open methods and are achieved with less pain, faster recovery and less risk of complications.
Trigger finger treatments vary, depending on the severity of the condition. At Grade 1, it is possible to use self-care methods to alleviate symptoms.
Trigger finger is caused when the tendon sheath’s passage is narrowed due to age or overuse. Treatments aim to expand the passage.