About Us
Combating fake medical news for peace of mind
Our Mission
To provide verified medical information and help patients find the best medical care.
Our Vision: Why do we start this?
We don’t want fake medical news. When we have pain or health discomfort, we want accurate medical information to solve our problems. And we want them immediately! More importantly, we want to see the best medical doctor to give correct diagnosis and treatment.
Supported by top medical doctors and medical specialists in providing accurate medical information, Asia MD strives to empower you with sources of verified medical information to help you arrive at the best possible outcomes.

If you have more medical questions which are not addressed fully by Asia MD’s website, let us help you find the best medical doctors to solve them. Our Asia MD team will suggest medical doctors who are appropriate for your medical issues or questions, so that you do not waste time while looking for the correct medical specialists.
Thank you for supporting our mission.
Wishing you the best of health,
James, Nick and KT
Video with Mandarin voice-over: